Every now and then an opportunity will present itself wherein you have the choice of two courses of action. How you choose to respond to these little "tests" that the Universe throws at you are, perhaps, the most honest appraisal of your character, especially when it is obvious that no one but you would ever have to know whether or not you passed the test. Well...no one but you and your conscience. Also, I do believe the Universe keeps score.

As I said, it had been awhile since I had been at market. Having been un-/under-employed for a stretch meant that some expenses had to be cut out. Now that I'm getting back on my feet, I am happy to be able to add regular Market stops back to my routine.
Despite its heritage, Market makes some concessions to the modern world around it, among them the ATM machine in the southeast corner of the building. It was there that I was tested this morning. I needed some cash for shopping and to boost my pocket money for the week, so I decided to take $40 out of my account. Annoyingly, the machine had a notice on it indicating it was out of receipt paper, and so would not be able to provide a receipt for the transaction, but I needed the money. I swiped my card and punched in my $40 request, and after a moment of churning the machine instructed me to retrieve my cash. To my surprise I found four $20 bills.

Either way, something was amiss. I walked over to the nearest stand and explained the situation to the standholder, who offered to call the Market Manager over for me to talk with. I shared the story with her, as well as my thought that either I had be double-hit or the money belonged to someone else. After apologizing for not being more alert to refilling the machine's receipt paper, she offered to bring me back to her office to use her computer to check my bank balance online and see how much was actually taken from my account. If it turned out that my balance was correct, then she would hold onto the money for a period of time to see if anyone claimed it. If not, either I could keep it or donate it to charity.
I had just about logged onto my account when another gentleman knocked on the Manager's office door. He explained that he had tried to take $40 out of the ATM but didn't get his cash, and then had gone to another ATM elsewhere in town. When he took out his $40 there, his receipt showed his balance down $80. As he told his story, I verified that my balance was correct; clearly the other $40 was his. He was very happy to get it back, and thanked me profusely before going on his way. The Market Manager also thanked me, and added, "You've got some good Karma coming your way!"
I walked out of Market feeling pretty damn good. One person I shared the story with said, "They should have given you some type of reward." No, no they shouldn't have. First of all, no one should ever have to be rewarded for doing the right thing, and I believe in this case I did the right thing. Second, I'd like to think that if I were the one missing the $40, someone would do exactly the same for me. I've been at points in my life where a missing $40 would be a financial calamity; how do I know that wasn't the case for this person?

Which is why I share this with all of you. I'm not seeking pats on the back or praises for being an honest person; that's who I am, and trust me, being so can be a double-edged sword at times. No, I share this because I hope each of you will take the next opportunity that presents itself to you to "pay it forward," and do the right thing. Then, share it with your friends, whether you have a blog or a Facebook page or just tell the story in person. Think of it as your little part of making the world a little bit nicer of place to live in.
Now, I've got some delicious veggie spring rolls to dig into, so it's time to stop blogging and start eating!